Verification error during checkout

If you receive a verification error after entering all of your credit card details successfully, then it sounds like you're getting stumped and the verified by Visa or Mastercard page. This is an additonal step your bank uses for verifying your card's security. If you have not set up your card, you should be able to do so on that verification page. The following is info directly from Visa:

What do I need to do to use Verified by Visa?
All you need to do is activate your card. Then, whenever you submit an order at a participating online store, a Verified by Visa window will appear automatically. Enter your password, submit, and that's it. If you have not yet activated your Visa card, just enter the authentication information when prompted by your card issuer and create a password. Once activated, your Visa card number cannot be used without your personal password for online purchases. Verified by Visa is available for most Visa cards from participating issuers.

If you're still having trouble, please contact our reseller, They will be happy to assist you with the payment:

Toll Free USA & Canada: 1 (877) 294-0273
U.K.: 0871 284 4844

You may need to provide them with following info:
VendorID: 1416309

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